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More vacancies than candidates for first time since recession


The number of job vacancies has overtaken the number of jobseekers for the first time since the recession, according to the latest UK job market report from Adzuna.

In October, there were 887,771 jobseekers compared to 936,596 advertised vacancies. That equates to a ratio of 0.95 jobseekers per vacancy, down from 1.02 in September. Year-on-year competition for jobs has fallen from a ratio of 1.69.

Total advertised vacancies increased 25.1% year-on-year in October, up 3.4% from September.

Advertised salaries also increased in October, up 4.3% year-on-year to an average of £34,670, outstripping the Consumer Price Index inflation rate of 1.3%.


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